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National Anthem Deaf Performance | ASL Breakdown

⏯️ National Anthem ASL Tutorial: Video Releasing Thursday

In this video, I watch, react and breakdown the ASL from 3 Deaf performances of the US National Anthem (Star Spangled Banner). I picked 3 sections of the song so we can do a deep dive and show both the similarities and differences between these 3 interpretations. American Sign Language is NOT English, and people can and will interpret an English song differently. There is even a poetic license in a performance vs an interpretation in ASL. It’s really fascinating to see these differences side-by-side. Let’s Learn How to Sign!

👓*Watch these Deaf performances of the US National Anthem on YouTube*
Purple Communications (Janelle) – https://youtu.be/Csf3W6qtllQ?si=TplGm-sUtk9PuIzz
WAWA – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRtDjTQHG-g
Troy Kotsur – https://youtu.be/OIxWL7VbvPM?si=nqmQLkoTowvkP8M2

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0:00 – Intro
0:48 – Teaching: Differences of Performances
2:28 – Introduction of Deaf Performers
3:18 – WAWA (O say can you see…)
5:17 – Janelle (O say can you see…)
6:46 – Troy (O say can you see…)
8:24 – WAWA (And the rockets red glare…)
10:06 – Janelle (And the rockets red glare…)
11:33 – Troy (And the rockets red glare…)
13:26 – WAWA (Or the land of the free…)
16:03 – Janelle (Or the land of the free…)
17:30 – Troy (Or the land of the free…)
19:24 – Encouragement

#asl #learnasl #learnhowtosign #superbowl #deafperformer #nationalanthem


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