Join Meredith in this engaging live session as she breaks down the power of classifiers in ASL storytelling! Using Goldilocks and the Three Bears as an example, she walks through how classifiers bring depth, movement, and clarity to sign language narratives. From walking and sitting to interacting with objects, this lesson showcases the role classifiers play in making ASL storytelling more expressive and visually rich.
She also answers Signers’ questions on ASL learning challenges, initialized signs, and variations in sign usage. Plus, don’t miss the discussion about the upcoming Classifier Mini-Intensive this Saturday, where you can dive even deeper into mastering classifiers in ASL!
Welcome & Announcements
- Greeting and introduction
- Reminder about upcoming silent chats
- Discussion about teen chats on Discord
- Information about the Classifier Mini-Intensive
Introduction to Classifiers
- What classifiers are and why they are essential
- Differences between classifiers and standard ASL signs
- Examples of classifiers for movement, objects, and actions
Goldilocks and the Three Bears – Classifier Breakdown
- Walking: Different ways to represent movement in ASL
- Tables & Bowls: Using classifiers to show object size and placement
- Chairs & Sitting: Bent-V and other classifiers for sitting, kicking legs, and discomfort
- Beds & Comfort Levels: Open-C for softness, body language for expression
- Reactions & Movement: Showing emotion, running, and interacting with space
Q&A Session
- Feeling Stuck at Level 3: The benefits of tutoring vs. practicing in silent chats
- Initialized Signs: Patterns in signs like “family,” “class,” “team,” and math-related terms
- Signing “Knight”: Strategies for describing a knight in ASL using classifiers
- Sign Variation in “Black” (Michael Jackson Show): Question about potential regional differences
Closing & Final Thoughts
- Recap of classifiers in storytelling
- Encouragement to practice incorporating classifiers
- Reminder about the Classifier Mini-Intensive this Saturday
- Upcoming silent chats and next week’s live session
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