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Live with Meredith – 2022 – 10/04

Tonight Meredith is teaching about breaking down fears. We also have a lot of questions sparked by the Intensive. If you have questions of your own don’t forget to hop on Discord and put your questions in the #AskMeredith channel.

We also watched Daniel Durant perform on Dancing with the Stars.


  • Q&A
    • Why is ” your holiday favorite what ” but in the silent chat it was? ” your season favorite which?” I’m confused because you verbally said what for each question.
    • Why is “a day ago and a week ago” signed day or week first then past and ” a month ago” is signed past then month. Just wondering…
    • Any suggestions to rewire my thinking on topic / comment? My “topic” choice is not always the correct topic choice 🙄.   I’m still thinking Hawaii is the topic 🙃🤭
    • In a week and In a week. Are they two different signs for the same thing? Or do they have two separate meanings?
    • What is the difference between minute and second?
    • Signs for Monday and Saturday look the same because they’re flipped backwards. Do you show the other person the letter first?
    • Questions about the non-dominant hand for day, morning, afternoon, night….I’ve seen a fist and flat hand. Does it matter?
    • When someone has a significant other who is deaf, how does the hearing person usually go about learning ASL? Do they learn from their partner and maybe online? Or find classes to take in the community or at the state schools for the deaf?

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