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25 Phrases For ASL Conversation | Sign Langauge for Beginners

*10 Day ASL Jumpstart:* http://eepurl.com/hfQY_X

*25 Common ASL Phrases:* https://youtu.be/nJx-XsxeajQ
*25 ASL Phrases You Need To Know:* https://youtu.be/DLVC1ZACCkA

I’m teaching you 25 phrases that you can use in ASL conversations today. Think of these phrases and the ones in the 2 videos before it as a template to unlock endless conversations in American Sign Language. Just replace the topics and subjects with whatever you’re talking about and voilà, these 25 phrases turn into hundreds and even thousands of unique phrases specific to your conversations.

If you’re just getting started and are completely overwhelmed with where to begin I want you to do 2 things. First, sign up for the 10 Day ASL jumpstart. This is a free resource made just for people like you who are wanting to get off to a great start on their ASL journey. Link is at the top of the description. Second, watch one of our beginner series on YouTube. I recommend our “Your First 99 Signs” series. In this series I teach you common rules, tips, 99 signs and many phrases that go with those signs. We even created quizzes and exercises to go along with each video to help check your understanding. Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMN7QCuj6dfZ71A6K8ZUdB8VpQvgUvrAe

*More From LHTS*
✅ FREE RESOURCE | 10 DAY ASL JUMPSTART: http://eepurl.com/hfQY_X
✅ MEMBERSHIP | 🚀 LHTS ACCELERATED: https://learnhowtosign.org/accelerated/start
✅ LIVE ASL COURSES | 🤟 LHTS INTENSIVES: https://learnhowtosign.org/intensives
✅ ON-DEMAND ASL COURSES: https://learnhowtosign.org/courses/
✅ WEBSITE: https://LearnHowToSign.org
✅ SKILLSHARE COURSES: https://skl.sh/3lTNbY2
✅ LHTS MERCH: https://learnhowtosign.org/shop
✅ MAKE A DONATION: https://paypal.me/LearnHowToSign

0:00 – Intro
0:23 – 1. Where is the bathroom?
0:33 – 2. What did you say?
0:45 – 3. Can you please help me practice?
1:02 – 4. How are you?
1:12 – 5. I’m happy. What about you?
1:27 – 6. Yes, I am hearing. What about you?
1:46 – 7. How old are you?
1:59 – 8. There are 4 people in my family. My husband, myself, my daughter and my son.
2:39 – 9. My husband is Brian.
3:14 – 10. You can learn ASL on YouTube.
3:33 – 11. Do you prefer Facebook or Instagram?
3:54 – 12. I have never used Twitter.
4:10 – 13. I wish we lived closer to a Trader Joe’s.
4:28 – 14. My favorite salad is from Chick-Fil-A
4:47 – 15. Phew! It’s hot! I want some ice cream.
5:09 – 16. Where are you going on vacation?
5:25 – 17. This summer we are going on a cruise.
5:45 – 18. I am going on vacation in 3 weeks.
6:03 – 19. One day I want to visit a jungle.
6:29 – 20. Would you rather go to an amusement park or relax by the pool?
6:58 – 21. Do you want to meet on Friday night?
7:17 – 22. I’ll meet you at the coffee shop once I’m finished at the grocery store.
7:49 – 23. I wake up at 5:45 every morning.
8:16 – 24. In the mornings I enjoy sitting on my patio and drinking coffee.
8:47 – 25. I’m grouchy if I haven’t had my morning coffee.
9:14 – Encouragementt

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