You have selected the ASL 201 course
You can also take the ASL 401 Course (Link to course)
It’s time to take your introductory ASL conversations to an intermediate level! In 201 you will receive extensive grammar instruction on incorporation of tenses, sign intensity, uses of listing and spatial organization along with fingerspelling and the Rule of 9. The course is designed to build off 101 signs and concepts while teaching an additional 250 signs. Each class students will learn about the cultural significance in the areas of Deaf art, performances, performers, technology with personal experience stories. Students will also be introduced to voice off instruction to build on their receptive skills and also challenged through class quizzes and homework assignments.
It is not required to have taken ASL 101 before 201, but we do only recommend it to people who feel like they are already beyond the basics of ASL. We will be offering ASL 101 again in the winter (January 2024)
When is it happening?
201 Schedule
Class 1 - Sunday, September 24 (4:00 PM CST)
Class 2 - Thursday, September 28 (6:00 PM CST)
Class 3 - Sunday, October 1 (4:00 PM CST)
Class 4 - Thursday, October 5 (6:00 PM CST)
Class 5 - Sunday, October 8 (4:00 PM CST)
Class 6 - Thursday, October 12 (6:00 PM CST)
Class Highlights
- Taught by YouTube’s Most Watched ASL Teacher
- Taught by 3 instructors in total
- 6 2-Hour Live Sessions
- Live question and answer sessions
- 5 Quizzes to test your knowledge
- Learn how to put together sentences with proper ASL Grammar
- Learn 250+ Signs
- Dive deep into Fingerspelling & Numbers
- Voice-off activities to challenge your understanding
- 5 Homework Assignments to push your skill to the next level
- Personal feedback on Homework Assignments
- Giveaways each class
- Meet other engaged students of ASL
- Certificate of completion
- Vocabulary: Events/Holidays
- Fingerspelling: Months
- Numbers: Dates/Years
- Grammar: 101 Sentence Structure Review
- Culture: Deaf Experience at Family Gatherings
- Vocabulary: Past/Present/Future
- Fingerspelling
- Numbers: Rule of 9
- Grammar: Time/Rh
- Culture: Technology for Deaf
- Vocabulary: Daily Activities/Vacation Activities
- Fingerspelling: ABC Story
- Numbers: Number Story
- Grammar: Listing
- Culture: Deaf Performances
- Vocabulary: Weather/Seasons
- Fingerspelling: Natural Landmarks
- Numbers: Temperature
- Grammar: Intensity of Signs
- Culture: Deaf Art
- Vocabulary: Around the Town
- Fingerspelling: Names of Businesses
- Numbers: Money
- Grammar: Spatial Organization
- Culture: Famous Deaf People
- Putting it All Together
- Culture: Schooling/Testing/Job Types for Interpreters
About Your Teachers
Meredith began her career as a full time educational interpreter while taking on community interpreting assignments (doctors appointments, job interviews, etc) after school and on weekends. She continues her interpreting practice by volunteering at her church. She has been an ASL teacher at the High School level for 10 years and recently resigned to work full-time for Learn How to Sign. She is also an adjunct professor at the college level.
Meredith is Co-Owner of Learn How to Sign LLC with her husband Brian. She is responsible for being the main instructor and face of the LHTS brand. Meredith is heavily involved in the strategic planning of the company, and is the main writer and on-screen talent for all courses, videos and social media posts. Meredith feels called to be an ASL advocate and teacher and has dedicated her whole life to doing just that. Learn How to Sign is the most recent chapter of this journey and she is so excited about what the future holds for Learn How to Sign and her family.

She would like her students to be open to ask her anything about ASL and being Deaf. No question is unusual. Part of learning about ASL is learning what it is like to be Deaf so don’t hesitate to ask her anything.
Sarah joins our Intensives as one of the 3 instructors and loves to share about her personal experience of growing up deaf. Students love her stories and perspectives on Deaf culture.

Darla has been a sign language interpreter for 22 years holding her state’s highest interpreting certification and national certification in educational interpreting. She has interpreted in a variety of settings including community, video relay, educational and religious. Darla brings a unique perspective with her years of expertise and variety of settings she has worked in.
Personally, Darla has been married for 39 years and LOVES to travel. She would like to share, she has two beautiful daughters, Meredith and Hilary, and three amazing grandchildren. (Editor’s note: And yes, that Meredith is me. She blessed me with one of the greatest gifts, ASL.)
Darla joins our Intensives as one of the 3 instructors and loves to share about her personal experiences as an ASL Interpreter. Students love hearing her perspectives on the profession as they are often interested in pursuing it as a career.

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What did people think about our first Intensive?
Reviews of ASL 101 Summer Intensive
How satisfied were you with the Summer Intensive?
(4.8) 62 Reviews
How relevant and helpful do you think it was for your ASL learning journey?
(4.8) 62 Reviews
How satisfied were you with the Live Session content?
(4.8) 62 Reviews
How much did you value our additional teachers?
(4.9) 62 Reviews
Topics Surveyed
01 – How confident are you with expressive fingerspelling?
02 – How confident are you with receptive fingerspelling?
03 – How confident are you with expressing numbers in ASL (ex. signing your age)?
04 – How confident are you with receptive numbers in ASL (ex. understanding signed numbers)?
05 – How confident are you with signing and understanding basic ASL vocabulary (ex signs with exchanging information)?
06 – How confident are you with signing and understanding family vocabulary (ex signs about describing your family)?
07 – How confident are you with signing and understanding home signs vocabulary (ex signs around your house)?
08 – How confident are you with topic/comment structure?
09 – How confident are you with ASL question structure (yes/no question, wh questions)?
10 – What is your level of understanding of Deaf culture and its history?
11 – What is you confidence level in understanding a basic conversation in ASL?
12 – What is you confidence level in your signing skill within a basic conversation in ASL?
ASL 201 Testimonials